Website designing trends are booming every day, and the latest addition is “pixel perfect”. With the emergence of pixel perfect concept, website owners and professionals are exploiting the possible ways to attain the level of perfection.
Pixel perfect involves taking every single element or pixel into consideration. It demands attention to details and dedication to generate a clean, sharp and fuller-looking website. Pixel perfect aims to make the website appear the same on all kinds of browser.
Pixel perfect is the new buzz in the town. It eliminates imperfections in the margins, inconsistent fonts, padding, background inconsistency & colour mismatch and improves the look of the website.
A quick look at 3 pixel perfect techniques
Pixel hinting - This technique involves moving the anchor points of the vector to rest on the pixel borders in an appealing manner. Pixel hinting technique is commonly used on bitmap/raster images or typography.
Pixel fitting - This type of pixel perfect technique allows for the use of vector graphics for the purpose of digital design. Pixel fitting optimizes vectors that are pasted from illustrator while maintaining the quality. The advantage of using this technique is that it prevents anti-aliasing of vectors arised due to porting vector graphics. It involves moving around the path developed when the vectors from the illustrators are pasted to photoshop.
Nudging & pixel rotation - Nudging technique manipulates pixel perfect designing elements (as a whole). This technique is used when hardships are faced while copying the vector to Photoshop from the illustrator. It also retains the website quality without disturbing the pixels or blurring them.
Best tools to achieve pixel perfect website?
Perfect pixel - This is one of the most widely used tools for designing a pixel perfect website. Perfect pixel lets the user develop many overlays. It also supports drag-and-drop, scaling & inversion, and separates overlay for each website.
xScope - This software allows the screen to overlay and offers customized frames to fit all devices. The dimensions represent the pixel size of material within the colour range.
Coda 2 - It is well-equipped with visual CSS tools, pixel perfect preview and SFTP. It includes vertical indentation guides, visual tabs, CSS overriding, and local indexing.
CSSPrecise - It is a robust tool designed to develop a pixel perfect website. The main benefit of using this tool is that it analyzes every element in detail. CSSPrecise helps in adjusting images on frontend as well as background by using functions like design opacity, image position, page opacity, placement button, etc. thereby enabling seamless pixel perfect development & testing of web designs.
Pixel perfect is the most prevailing concept among the web designers. Creating a pixel perfect design requires an eye for detail and knowledge on the do's & don’ts while designing the website. Have a look at the checklist before working on your website and achieve an alluring & perfect looking website.